Talks & Presentations (selection):
"Keynote: The Coordination Problem", Phenomenology and the Sciences, University of Padua, Italy, September 2022 "Keynote: Description, Intentionality and Symbolic Construction", Phenomenological Approaches to Physics, Stony Brook, USA, October 2019 "Intentionality and Symbolic Construction. Weyl on Modeling", Conference of Society for Philosophy of Scientific Practice, Ghent, Belgium, July 2018 "Oberserving Electric Fields. Weyl on Intentionality, Models and Perception" (invited), International Wittgenstein Symposion, Kirchberg, Austria, August 2017 "The Forever War. Thought Experiments, Special Relativity, and Hard Science Fiction" (invited), Conference "Literature as Thought Experiment", Naumburh, Germany, March 2017 "Empiricism, Phenomenology, and Science" (invited), Conference "Philosophy as Science - A Key Idea in the 19th Century", University of Utrecht, Netherlands, April 2015 (Slides) "It Takes Two To Tango - Models, Hermeneutics & (I)HPS" (invited, together with Simone De Angelis), Conference "Philosophy of Science", IUC Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 2015 “Platon, Autos und Garagen. Ein physikalisches Gedankenexperiment und seine philosophische Interpretation" (invited), Department for Philosophy, University of Hannover, Germany, November 2014 “At the Limits of Sense. Science, Realism and Quentin Meillassoux’ Critique of Phenomenology” (invited), Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2013 “Thought Experiments in Physics. A Phenomenological Account” (invited), Lecture & Research Seminar, Department for Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago, USA, November 2013 (pictures) “The Opacity of Scientific Thought Experiments” (invited), Department for Philosophy, University of Toronto, Canada, October 2013 “How Essential are Essences? A Thought Experiment on the Perspectival Givenness of Spatiotemporal Things", Annual Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Oslo, Norway, June 2012 “What We Do Not See in Thought Experiments" (invited), Conference "Philosophy of Science", IUC Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 2012 “Thought Experiments. A Phenomenological Approach” (invited), Department for Philosophy, University of Toronto, Canada, October 2011 „Scientific Realism and Bodily Instrumentation“ (invited), Conference "Bodily Phenomenology", Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2010 „A Phenomenological Analysis of the Laboratory of the Mind", Spring Meeting of the Irish Philosophical Society, Galway, Irland, March 2010 “Über Ionen, Planeten und Wellenkammern. Husserl und die Debatte um den wissenschaftlichen Realismus", Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie, Würzburg, Deutschland, October 2009 „Entdeckung, Begründung und Lebenswelt", XXI. Congress of the German Society for Philosophy, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, September 2008 “What Contemporary Phenomenologists Can Learn from the Husserl/Schlick-Debate, Annual Meeting of the Husserl-Circle, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA, June 2008 |
Conferences & Workshops Organized (selection):
Conference: "Phenomenological Approaches to Physics: Phenomenology and QBism, Compared and Contrasted", Linköping University, Sweden. Keynote Speakers: Tom Ryckman (Stanford), Michel Bitbol (ENS), Piet Hut (IAS, Princeton), Chris Fuchs (UMass), Rüdiger Schack (Royal Holloway, London), Robert Crease (Stony Brook). The conference had to be postponed due to COVID-19. Conference: "Phenomenological Approaches to Physics", University of Graz, 14-16 June 2018. Keynote Speakers: Steven French (University of Leeds), Thomas Ryckman (Stanford University), Michel Bitbol (Ecole Normale Superieure), Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (Max Planck Center for History of Science, Berlin). Workshop: "Perception - sensory, moral, and aesthetic"; with Barbara Herman (UCLA) and Matthew Ratcliffe (University of Vienna); Department for Philosophy, University of Graz, 14th of November 2015. Talk Series: “Philosophy Seminar” (co-organized); Department for Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria (webpage) 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium: “Analytical and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives” (co-organized with Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl); Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, August 2014 (webpage, program, abstracts) Invited Speakers (selection): Charles Siewert, Alva Noë, Robert Hanna, Dan Zahavi, James Robert Brown, Steve Fuller, Martin Kusch, Walter Hopp, Marcia Baron, Dermot Moran, Joachim Schulte, Peter Hacker Talk Series “What’s Up With…?” (co-organized); Department for Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria Workshop: “Do We See With Microscopes?” (co-organized); Austrian Academy of the Sciences, Vienna, Austria, June 2014 Invited Speaker (via Skype): Theodore Arabatzis Conference: 44th International Meeting of the Husserl Circle (co-organized), University of Graz, June 2013 (webpage, pre-proceedings) Workshop: “Blind Spots in the Debate on Thought Experiments” (co-organized with Yiftach Fehife, Michael Stuart and James Robert Brown), University of Toronto, Canada Invited Speakers: Paul Thagard, Walter Hopp, Catherin Z. Elgin Workshop: “The Space of Reasons – A Debate With Steven Galt Crowell on Crucial Issues of Transcendental Phenomenology” (co-organized with Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl); University of Graz, Austria Workshop: “Acting in Situations. Towards a Phenomenological Theory of Action” (co-organized with Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl), University of Graz, Austria Invited Speakers: Neil Roughley, Karl Mertens Workshop: “Experience and Reflection. What is the Place of Phenomenology in Contemporary Philosophy?”, University of Graz, Austria |